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Iowa Nitrogen Initiative On-Farm Nitrogen Rate Trials

A Private-Public Partnership Between Iowa State University and Iowa Farmers

Iowa farmers are conducting hundreds of on-farm nitrogen rate trials every year to find the optimum nitrogen rate for their farm and help the Iowa Nitrogen Initiative improve nitrogen science for all Iowans. Use this tool to explore anonymized results of previous years' trials.

2024 2023

Economic Optimum Nitrogen Rate

EONR Stats

Yield at Economic Optimum Nitrogen Rate


Lbs N per Bushel

N per Bu Stats

Terms and Conditions

N-FACT is an ongoing project developed to help users understand, forecast, and evaluate cropping systems performance. Predictions will be updated as new information becomes available. The project investigators and Iowa State University are not responsible for user outcomes. Information from this website can be used in presentations without further permission if used in its entirety and credit is given to the Iowa Nitrogen Initiative. However, we encourage you to inform the project directors. Information from this website cannot be used in publications or other model improvement activities without permission of the project investigators.